Frequently Asked Questions

If you are still considering registering, here are answers to some of the questions we’ve been getting:

Q: I’m not sure if I can commit this much time right now, will you offer this series again?

A: Probably not. Next year’s policy intensive will likely have a different focus, such as hiring & retention, performance reviews or compensation. We know how busy folks are, and that no one has time for homework and extra projects. That is why we have designed the 2022 Racial Equity Policy Intensive to include dedicated work time to do the research, drafting and editing of documents with expert guidance, peer collaboration and structured accountability.

Racial harm will continue happening in your workplace and it won’t wait for a convenient opening in you schedule. Investing 6 hours per month this fall to develop a policy and plan you can implement the next time someone experiences racial harm in your organization, will save you many hours and days of meetings, processing, and strategizing in response to each individual incident. And, most importantly, you will be mitigating harm and better supporting your staff & customers of Color, while living into your personal and organizational racial equity values.

Q: What is the end product of this series?

A: Our expectation is that by the end of the series, each represented organization will have:

  • A polished draft of a Racial Harm policy, including procedural steps to be followed by leadership in response to each incident of racial harm.

  • A tailored implementation plan which will aim to answer relevant questions such as:

    Who needs to sign-off for official approval?

    Who will implement the policy?

    How will you introduce the policy to staff?

    How will you manage resistance?

    How will you review and evaluate outcomes?

Q: I have schedule conflicts and won’t be able to attend all of the sessions. Can I still participate?

A: Yes! We are not recording sessions to protect participants’ confidentiality and to encourage full uncensored participation. However, we will post notes and materials in a shared online workspace so you can catch up on what you missed.

We also strongly encourage you to register with a partner or small team from your organization who will work on developing the policy together. Then, if one of you misses a session the other(s) can fill you in! Each participant does need to be registered, the fee is per person, not per organization.

Q: I work for a small community-based organization that does not currently have a professional development budget, are you offering any scholarships?

A: We are willing to consider reduced fees for community-based organizations with Black & Brown leadership. To request a community-based discount, please send us a brief email including:

  1. How your organization is investing in racial equity work.

  2. The fee that would be manageable for your organization.

Q: I have another question, who should I contact?

A: Send your written questions to or call or text 503-482-8069